[RADIATOR] Problem with latest Radiator version

sommerfeld at hs-heilbronn.de sommerfeld at hs-heilbronn.de
Fri Aug 1 06:39:43 CDT 2008

Hello altogether,


I'm an administrator at Heilbronn University in Germany, we purchased a
Radiator license long ago and now I'm setting up a new server with Radiator
4.3.1 (latest patches downloaded and unpacked today).

Anyway we get an error when trying to authenticate:


Can't locate object method "attrByNum" via package "Host" (perhaps you
forgot to load "Host"?) at /usr/local/share/perl/5.8.8/Radius/Radius.pm line


Our host system is Ubuntu 8.04 with latest patches installed.



Our config file radius.cfg looks like this:




Trace   4



# Set this to the directory where your logfile and details file are to go

LogDir /var/log/radius


# Set this to the database directory. It should contain these files:

# users           The user database

# dictionary      The dictionary for your NAS

DbDir /usr/local/etc/raddb


AuthPort 1645

AcctPort 1646


# This clause defines a single client to listen to

<Client MyIP>

        Secret  xxx



# For testing: this allows us to honour requests from radpwtst

# on the same host.

<Client localhost>

        Secret xxx

        DupInterval 0



<Client DFN-Host1>

        Secret  xxx


<Client DFN-Host2>

        Secret  xxx



<Realm ourDomain>

        RewriteUsername s/^([^@]+).*/$1/

        <AuthBy RADIUS>

                Host proxyHost

                Secret xxx





        <AuthBy RADIUS>

        Host    DFN-Host1

        Host    DFN-Host2

        Secret  xxx

        AuthPort 1812

        AcctPort 1813









Before I tried it with the version 3.8 we still had on our server, there I
had no errors but for some reason the authentication didn't work. I got no
error messages though, the login just failed. I thought then maybe I should
get the latest version, cause version 3.8 was running on a Debian Etch
system and maybe it's an too old version for Ubuntu 8.04.



Thanks for any help,



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