(RADIATOR) Centralizing auth logs on a Win32 platform

Robert Fisher rfisher at sitestar.net
Thu Apr 24 09:09:14 CDT 2008


    Presently, I have several Windows machines running Radiator on 
physically disparate networks.   What I'm looking for is a clean way to 
centralize the information from AuthLog.     Initially, I used 
AuthLogEmerald, but the problem that I encountered was that if there was 
ever an issue with the central logging database -- that Radiator stopped 
processing requests , even though the local database it utilized through 
AuthSQL would be active and responding.
    I'm not sure if AuthLogSyslog would have similiar difficulties or 
not, but looks like it would require a conversion from Sys::Syslog to 
Net::Syslog to be a viable option on windows.

    So asking here if anyone else has tackled the problem, and if so how? 

Thanks in advance,
Robert Fisher

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