(RADIATOR) PostAuthHook debug info

Bjoern A. Zeeb bz-lists at cksoft.de
Thu Apr 17 13:20:21 CDT 2008

On Thu, 17 Apr 2008, Fernando Reis wrote:


> Is there a way to see/log all information on a request, inside a 
> PostAuthHook?

Depends of what you mean with 'all'.

As first argument you get a reference to the request which
not only holds the raw packet data as recevied but also to 'extracted'
attribues or a possibly rewritten Username, information about the
client received etc.

You could for example dump the packet like a Trace 4 does. See
Radius.pm::newRecvFrom() on how to do that (my $p = ${$_[0]};
$p->dump; should give you a start imho).


Dipl. Ing. (BA) Bjoern A. Zeeb          Research & Development
CK Software GmbH                        http://www.cksoft.de/
Schwarzwaldstr. 31                      Phone: +49 7452 889 135
D-71131 Jettingen                       Fax: +49 7452 889 136
HRB245288, Amtsgericht Stuttgart        Geschaeftsfuehrer: Christian Kratzer

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