(RADIATOR) Current consolidated patch broken?

Robin Breathe rbreathe at brookes.ac.uk
Wed Apr 16 05:15:58 CDT 2008

It appears that the current consolidated patch for 4.2 (Revision: 1.912) 
has broken GlobalVars. For example the following no longer works:

DefineFormattedGlobalVar oxInstance  acct-test
DefineFormattedGlobalVar oxLogDir /logs/radius/%{GlobalVar:oxInstance}
LogDir  %{GlobalVar:oxLogDir}
LogFile %L/radiator.%Y-%m.log

Instead of LogFile expanding to 
"/logs/radius/acct-test/radiator.2008-04.log", it's simply 

Can anyone confirm this issue?

Robin Breathe, Computer Services, Oxford Brookes University, Oxford, UK
rbreathe at brookes.ac.uk       Tel: +44 1865 483685  Fax: +44 1865 483073

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