(RADIATOR) Global SYSLOG logger

Matthew Watson matthew.watson at staff.netspace.net.au
Tue Oct 30 22:13:15 CST 2007


  I'm trying to setup a global syslog logger, In my config i've added

        Facility radiusdebug
         Trace 3

This does not seem to be capturing all (or rather, any) of the  
messages which get sent to the global <Log FILE> definition. As far  
as I can see syslog is working correctly as doing

"logger foo" on the command line correctly gets sent to the syslog  
file (or upstream syslog server if configured)

Can SYSLOG be used to setup a global logger like this, if so, any  
hints as to what is going wrong with my setup?

I've tried this on Radiator 3.17.1, on both solaris and linux.

Matthew Watson
Production Support
Netspace Online Systems
(03) 98110010

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