(RADIATOR) Chilispot

Derek Slaven dereks at CSL.WS
Fri May 11 16:17:32 CDT 2007


Trying to create a hotspot using Chilispot which connects to Win2k3
radius server.  Running a trace 5 debug on radiator produces a report
saying connection reject due to bad password.  These are the
applications I am using for this environment.  I have included the debug
report below


Perl 5.6.1

Radiator 3.17.1













Thu May 10 16:28:26 2007: NOTICE: Server started: Radiator 3.17.1 on

Thu May 10 16:30:08 2007: DEBUG: Packet dump:

*** Received from port 2067 ....


Packet length = 197

01 00 00 c5 e5 f2 3a 36 a9 98 71 fd ce a6 22 f6

28 e5 89 e9 01 08 64 65 72 65 6b 73 02 12 d6 4f

e4 06 ab f8 3b 5e 23 97 c6 b6 81 5b 8e 18 04 06

00 00 00 00 06 06 00 00 00 01 08 06 c0 a8 b6 04

1f 13 30 30 2d 31 32 2d 31 37 2d 46 39 2d 31 44

2d 32 38 1e 13 30 30 2d 31 41 2d 37 30 2d 36 45

2d 46 37 2d 37 32 20 07 66 72 6f 64 6f 2c 12 34

36 34 33 66 66 32 34 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 32 3d

06 00 00 00 13 05 06 00 00 00 02 50 12 2c 38 7f

81 8a b0 a8 71 18 a5 75 29 7c fc 20 c4 1a 28 00

00 37 2a 03 22 68 74 74 70 3a 2f 2f 31 39 32 2e

31 36 38 2e 31 38 32 2e 31 3a 33 39 39 30 2f 6c

6f 67 6f 66 66

Code:       Access-Request

Identifier: 0

Authentic:  <229><242>:6<169><152>q<253><206><166>"<246>(<229><137><233>


        User-Name = "dereks"

        User-Password =


        NAS-IP-Address =

        Service-Type = Login-User

        Framed-IP-Address =

        Calling-Station-Id = "00-12-17-F9-1D-28"

        Called-Station-Id = "00-1A-70-6E-F7-72"

        NAS-Identifier = "frodo"

        Acct-Session-Id = "4643ff2400000002"

        NAS-Port-Type = Wireless-IEEE-802-11

        NAS-Port = 2

        Message-Authenticator =
,8<127><129><138><176><168>q<24><165>u)|<252> <1


        WISPr-Logoff-URL = ""


Thu May 10 16:30:08 2007: DEBUG: Handling request with Handler

Thu May 10 16:30:08 2007: DEBUG: Rewrote user name to dereks

Thu May 10 16:30:08 2007: DEBUG:  Deleting session for dereks,,

Thu May 10 16:30:08 2007: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthEMERALD

Thu May 10 16:30:08 2007: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthEMERALD:

Thu May 10 16:30:08 2007: DEBUG: Query is: 'select DateAdd(Day,

overdue, maExpireDate),

DateAdd(Day, sa.extension, saExpireDate), sa.AccountID, sa.AccountType,

sa.password, sa.login, sa.shell, sa.TimeLeft ,sa.LoginLimit

from masteraccounts ma, subaccounts sa

where (sa.login = 'dereks' or sa.shell = 'dereks')

and ma.customerid = sa.customerid

and sa.active <> 0 and ma.active <> 0':

Thu May 10 16:30:09 2007: DEBUG: Select results: 2008-05-10
16:30:09.107, 2008-0

5-10 16:30:09.107, 1271, PPP, idontthinkso, dereks, , , 2

Thu May 10 16:30:09 2007: DEBUG: Query is: 'select ra.RadAttributeID,



Data, Value, Type, RadCheck

from RadConfigs rc, RadAttributes ra

where ra.RadAttributeID = rc.RadAttributeID

and ra.RadVendorID = rc.RadVendorID

and ra.RadVendorType = rc.RadVendorType

and rc.AccountID=1271':

Thu May 10 16:30:09 2007: DEBUG: Query is: 'select ra.RadAttributeID,



Data, Value, Type, RadCheck

from RadATConfigs rc, RadAttributes ra

where ra.RadAttributeID = rc.RadAttributeID

and ra.RadVendorID = rc.RadVendorID

and ra.RadVendorType = rc.RadVendorType

and rc.AccountType='PPP'':

Thu May 10 16:30:09 2007: DEBUG: Radius::AuthEMERALD looks for match
with dereks


Thu May 10 16:30:09 2007: DEBUG: Radius::AuthEMERALD REJECT: Bad
Password: derek

s [dereks]

Thu May 10 16:30:10 2007: DEBUG: Query is: 'select DateAdd(Day,

overdue, maExpireDate),

DateAdd(Day, sa.extension, saExpireDate), sa.AccountID, sa.AccountType,

sa.password, sa.login, sa.shell, sa.TimeLeft ,sa.LoginLimit

from masteraccounts ma, subaccounts sa

where (sa.login = 'DEFAULT' or sa.shell = 'DEFAULT')

and ma.customerid = sa.customerid

and sa.active <> 0 and ma.active <> 0':

Thu May 10 16:30:10 2007: DEBUG: AuthBy EMERALD result: REJECT, Bad

Thu May 10 16:30:10 2007: INFO: Access rejected for dereks: Bad Password

Thu May 10 16:30:10 2007: DEBUG: Packet dump:

*** Sending to port 2067 ....


Packet length = 36

03 00 00 24 b9 ae 52 2d 42 eb 43 f8 3a 4c b8 75

2b 70 6a 66 12 10 52 65 71 75 65 73 74 20 44 65

6e 69 65 64

Code:       Access-Reject

Identifier: 0

Authentic:  <229><242>:6<169><152>q<253><206><166>"<246>(<229><137><233>


        Reply-Message = "Request Denied"


Thu May 10 16:30:10 2007: DEBUG: Packet dump:

*** Received from port 2067 ....


Packet length = 197

01 00 00 c5 e5 f2 3a 36 a9 98 71 fd ce a6 22 f6

28 e5 89 e9 01 08 64 65 72 65 6b 73 02 12 d6 4f

e4 06 ab f8 3b 5e 23 97 c6 b6 81 5b 8e 18 04 06

00 00 00 00 06 06 00 00 00 01 08 06 c0 a8 b6 04

1f 13 30 30 2d 31 32 2d 31 37 2d 46 39 2d 31 44

2d 32 38 1e 13 30 30 2d 31 41 2d 37 30 2d 36 45

2d 46 37 2d 37 32 20 07 66 72 6f 64 6f 2c 12 34

36 34 33 66 66 32 34 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 32 3d

06 00 00 00 13 05 06 00 00 00 02 50 12 2c 38 7f

81 8a b0 a8 71 18 a5 75 29 7c fc 20 c4 1a 28 00

00 37 2a 03 22 68 74 74 70 3a 2f 2f 31 39 32 2e

31 36 38 2e 31 38 32 2e 31 3a 33 39 39 30 2f 6c

6f 67 6f 66 66

Code:       Access-Request

Identifier: 0

Authentic:  <229><242>:6<169><152>q<253><206><166>"<246>(<229><137><233>


        User-Name = "dereks"

        User-Password =


        NAS-IP-Address =

        Service-Type = Login-User

        Framed-IP-Address =

        Calling-Station-Id = "00-12-17-F9-1D-28"

        Called-Station-Id = "00-1A-70-6E-F7-72"

        NAS-Identifier = "frodo"

        Acct-Session-Id = "4643ff2400000002"

        NAS-Port-Type = Wireless-IEEE-802-11

        NAS-Port = 2

        Message-Authenticator =
,8<127><129><138><176><168>q<24><165>u)|<252> <1


        WISPr-Logoff-URL = ""


Thu May 10 16:30:11 2007: DEBUG: Handling request with Handler

Thu May 10 16:30:11 2007: DEBUG: Rewrote user name to dereks

Thu May 10 16:30:11 2007: DEBUG:  Deleting session for dereks,,

Thu May 10 16:30:11 2007: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthEMERALD

Thu May 10 16:30:11 2007: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthEMERALD:

Thu May 10 16:30:11 2007: DEBUG: Query is: 'select DateAdd(Day,

overdue, maExpireDate),

DateAdd(Day, sa.extension, saExpireDate), sa.AccountID, sa.AccountType,

sa.password, sa.login, sa.shell, sa.TimeLeft ,sa.LoginLimit

from masteraccounts ma, subaccounts sa

where (sa.login = 'dereks' or sa.shell = 'dereks')

and ma.customerid = sa.customerid

and sa.active <> 0 and ma.active <> 0':

Thu May 10 16:30:11 2007: DEBUG: Select results: 2008-05-10
16:30:11.607, 2008-0

5-10 16:30:11.607, 1271, PPP, idontthinkso, dereks, , , 2

Thu May 10 16:30:11 2007: DEBUG: Query is: 'select ra.RadAttributeID,



Data, Value, Type, RadCheck

from RadConfigs rc, RadAttributes ra

where ra.RadAttributeID = rc.RadAttributeID

and ra.RadVendorID = rc.RadVendorID

and ra.RadVendorType = rc.RadVendorType

and rc.AccountID=1271':

Thu May 10 16:30:11 2007: DEBUG: Query is: 'select ra.RadAttributeID,



Data, Value, Type, RadCheck

from RadATConfigs rc, RadAttributes ra

where ra.RadAttributeID = rc.RadAttributeID

and ra.RadVendorID = rc.RadVendorID

and ra.RadVendorType = rc.RadVendorType

and rc.AccountType='PPP'':

Thu May 10 16:30:12 2007: DEBUG: Radius::AuthEMERALD looks for match
with dereks


Thu May 10 16:30:12 2007: DEBUG: Radius::AuthEMERALD REJECT: Bad
Password: derek

s [dereks]

Thu May 10 16:30:12 2007: DEBUG: Query is: 'select DateAdd(Day,

overdue, maExpireDate),

DateAdd(Day, sa.extension, saExpireDate), sa.AccountID, sa.AccountType,

sa.password, sa.login, sa.shell, sa.TimeLeft ,sa.LoginLimit

from masteraccounts ma, subaccounts sa

where (sa.login = 'DEFAULT' or sa.shell = 'DEFAULT')

and ma.customerid = sa.customerid

and sa.active <> 0 and ma.active <> 0':

Thu May 10 16:30:12 2007: DEBUG: AuthBy EMERALD result: REJECT, Bad

Thu May 10 16:30:12 2007: INFO: Access rejected for dereks: Bad Password

Thu May 10 16:30:12 2007: DEBUG: Packet dump:

*** Sending to port 2067 ....


Packet length = 36

03 00 00 24 b9 ae 52 2d 42 eb 43 f8 3a 4c b8 75

2b 70 6a 66 12 10 52 65 71 75 65 73 74 20 44 65

6e 69 65 64

Code:       Access-Reject

Identifier: 0

Authentic:  <229><242>:6<169><152>q<253><206><166>"<246>(<229><137><233>


        Reply-Message = "Request Denied"


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