(RADIATOR) Radiator authentication failing ( auth against an LDAP directory)

Giovanni Del Valle gdelvalle at btl.net
Tue Mar 20 12:31:26 CST 2007

I  am having trouble getting radius server to authenticate against LDAP 
My username is gdelvalle at gev.net
My password is test123
I've read the manual but can;t make any head way.  Just to check binding 
and searching I successfully had radius auth against 
mailRoutingAddress.  ( in other words, once the email address existed  
teest would pass.
I have excerpts of all my files below.  I know that the ldap server 
responds with  a crypt  variant of my cleartest password test123
   crypt(test123,L4) => L4snWrnZi9wfU

So why does it fail??

Please help.
Assistant System Adminitrator

radius logfile gives me this:  ERR: ldap search failed with error 
password.log gives me this: Tue Mar 20 11:50:43 
2007:1174413043:gdelvalle at gev.net:test123:{CRYPT}L4snWrnZi9wfU:FAIL

<Realm gev.net>
  AcctLogFileName %L/ldap/detail
  PasswordLogFileName %L/ldap/password.log

  <AuthBy LDAP2>

    Host ldap.gev.net
    Port 389
    # Log in to LDAP as admin
    AuthDN uid=smadmin,ou=SMI Directory Administrators

    # log in to LDAP with password adminpassword

    AuthPassword *omitted*

    BaseDN     %0=%1,ou=People,dc=gev,dc=net
    Scope       base

    # this is the atrtibute for username
    UsernameAttr mailRoutingAddress

    # this attribute is for passwords
   # EncryptedPasswordAttr userPassword
   PasswordAttr userPassword

   # AuthAttrDef uid,User-Name,check
    AuthAttrDef userPassword,User-Password,check

</Realm gev.net>

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