(RADIATOR) Can't locate Socket6.pm error when ipv6 not used
Kawakubo, Ken
kkawakub at fhcrc.org
Sat Jan 20 13:42:02 CST 2007
I am getting a puzzling error message "Can't locate Socket6.pm in @INC
(@INC contains: . C:/Perl/lib C:/Perl/site/lib .) at
C:/Perl/site/lib/Radius/Util.pm line 704, <FILE> line 110." when I start
Radiator. I understand this error message usually indicates that I need
to install Socket6 module to use ipv6. My problem is that I am not using
Here is the background. I am working on adding guest wireless
authentication functionality to Radiator. I am sending radius requests
from captive portals (pfSense) to Radiator. I am using <AuthBy RADMIN>.
This works perfectly on a test radius server. But when I tried to merge
the config addition to radius.cfg on the production server, and launch
Radiator, I am getting the above message. Obviously, I did not get the
error message before the config change. I have installed all the things
needed to use Radmin such as mysql, webserver, etc.
The addition to radius.cfg is attached. It is almost identical to the
goodies <AuthBy RADMIN> example. Both test and production Radiator
servers are running 3.15 patch 1.718.
Ken Kawakubo
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