(RADIATOR) Chaining multiple Hooks?

Jan Tomasek jan at tomasek.cz
Wed Jan 17 14:32:59 CST 2007


I've AuthBy like this:

  Identifier		radius1.cesnet.cz

  RetryTimeout		3
  Retries		1
  FailureBackoffTime	0


  <Host radius1.cesnet.cz>
    AuthPort		1812
    AcctPort		1813
    Secret		xxx

  NoReplyHook		file:"/etc/radiator/dr_no-reply-hook.pl"
  ReplyHook		file:"/etc/radiator/dr_reply-hook.pl"

But I need to use there three different pieces of code. When I use
multiple lines like:

  ReplyHook		file:"/etc/radiator/hook1.pl"
  ReplyHook		file:"/etc/radiator/hook2.pl"
  ReplyHook		file:"/etc/radiator/dr_reply-hook.pl"

than only last one is used. When I try to put them one line, Radiator
says that it cannot open file like
file:"/etc/radiator/hook1.pl",file:"/etc/radiator/hook2.pl" ...

Is there any way how to use multiple hooks of one type?

I guess it might be possible to use code like this

my $y_src = `cat /home/semik/tmp/y.pl`;
my $z_src = `cat /home/semik/tmp/z.pl`;

my $main::code_y = eval ($y_src);
my $main::code_z = eval ($z_src);

in startupHook and later define

ReplyHook = sub { &$main::code_y(@_); &$main::code_z(@_); };

it might work, but in my option it is quite ugly ;)

The question is if there is better way, except of putting all hooks code
into one file, which I don't like.

Thanks for any sugestions
Jan Tomasek aka Semik

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