(RADIATOR) Duplicate Requests - Randomness

Robert Blayzor rblayzor at inoc.net
Wed Aug 8 05:52:18 CDT 2007

Joe Hughes wrote:
> Good advice - I will look into this. We currently run Radiator as a
> service - would we just need to install two services "Radiator - Auth"
> and "Radiator - Acct" or something similar?

I'm not totally sure on Windows, but that would be my guess.  We run it
under Unix and just pass in the ports for auth/acct on the command line,
then in the configuration we just leave the port numbers blank, which I
believe stops Radiator from listening to requests on ports (even the
default ones).



./radiusd -config_file /usr/local/radius/radius.cfg -auth_port 1812
MonPort=9048 ServRole=auth
./radiusd -config_file /usr/local/radius/radius.cfg -acct_port 1813
MonPort=9049 ServRole=acct

If you're using monitor, I just pass in the monitor port as a GlobalVar
and set it up that way since you can't have each process listening on
the same port.   The ServRole thing just allows me to give unique log
file names for each process should I need them.

Robert Blayzor
rblayzor at inoc.net

Life's unfair - but the root password helps!

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