(RADIATOR) Groups, RewriteUsername and preserving the original request

Bjoern A. Zeeb bz-lists at cksoft.de
Tue Apr 10 03:15:48 CDT 2007


while simplifying a config we found something that seems to be
in Radiator by design but is not necessarily logical.

Assuming one has a config like (just as an example):

 	<AuthBy GROUP>

 		RewriteUsername tr/A-Z/a-z/

 		<AuthBy ..>
 		<AuthBy ..>

 	<AuthBy RADIUS>

The result of the RewriteUsername inside the <AuthBy GROUP> will still
be visible in the <AuthBy RADIUS> outside the <AuthBy GROUP>.

If one wants to have such a behavior one would put the RewriteUsername
inside the handler and not at that place inside the <AuthBy GROUP>.

As said that seems to be "by design" but it might be a good idea to
change that with a major release maybe along with entirely preserving
the "original request" as received?  (I understand that a lot of
configs will break with the former being changed)

Bjoern A. Zeeb

Dipl. Ing. (BA) Bjoern A. Zeeb          Research & Development
CK Software GmbH                        http://www.cksoft.de/
Schwarzwaldstr. 31                      Phone: +49 7452 889 135
D-71131 Jettingen                       Fax: +49 7452 889 136
HRB245288, Amtsgericht Stuttgart        Geschaeftsfuehrer: Christian Kratzer

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