(RADIATOR) Problem with AuthLog SYSLOG - ERR: Error while doing AuthLog SYSLOG: syslog: invalid level/facility: radius at Radius/AuthLogSYSLOG.pm line 110

Terry Simons galimore at mac.com
Sun Oct 1 22:56:58 CDT 2006


I'm seeing a problem with AuthLog SYSLOG that, according to the  
manual, should be legal.

I'm getting the following error:

Sun Oct  1 21:51:13 2006: ERR: Error while doing AuthLog SYSLOG:  
syslog: invalid level/facility: radius at Radius/AuthLogSYSLOG.pm  
line 110

My config looks like this:

<AuthLog SYSLOG>
         Identifier      AuthLog-SYSLOG
         Facility radius
         Priority info
         LogSuccess 1
         LogFailure 1
         SuccessFormat           %l,%u,%{Outer-EAP-Id},%N,%h,Success,% 
         FailureFormat           %l,%u,%{Outer-EAP-Id},%N,%h,Failure,% 

And the manual indicates that the "Facility radius" line should be  

5.70.1 Facility
The name of the syslog facility that will be logged to. The default  
is ‘user’.
# Log to the syslog facility called ‘radius’
Facility radius

Maybe I'm doing something wrong?


- Terry

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