(RADIATOR) Problem upgrading from 3.11 to 3.15

PREVOSTO, Laurent Laurent.PREVOSTO at neufcegetel.fr
Fri Nov 24 06:00:36 CST 2006

Upgrading Radiator from 3.11 to 3.15, i run in the following problem.
Upon receiving any request, radiator will die with the followin message :

Can't use string ("ÕßÇ") as a HASH ref while "strict refs" in use at Radius/Client.pm line 147.
(for an Access-request)
Or :
Can't use string (">j") as a HASH ref while "strict refs" in use at Radius/Client.pm line 147.
(for an Accounting-Request)

Switching back to 3.11 solves the problem.
I have Radiator 3.15 running on numerous servers without any problem.
I suppose this comes from some old perl lib somewhere on the server that messes things up but i can't find it.

Does anybody have an idea ?
Platform is Debian Sarge stable on intel.
Perl is version 5.8.4 (used to be 5.6.1 before upgrade Woody -> Sarge)



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