(RADIATOR) Radiator dying.

Wayne wayne at hamilton.net
Mon Nov 20 11:03:30 CST 2006

I have installed a new radius server Radiator 3.15 on FreeBSD 6.2-Prerelease. It is a AMD 64. In the last couple of days the server is dying and the restart wrapper is starting radius backup. I have never had this problem before. I will turn up my debug and try to dig deeper. For now this is what I am getting in my email from my RestartWrapper.

Your program

   radiusd -foreground -config_file /usr/local/etc/radius.cfg

exited unexpectedly with exit status 255, 
signal number 0 and dump indication 0. 

The STDERR output was Day '31' out of range 1..30 at /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/Radius/Util.pm line 254

The program will be restarted again by /usr/local/bin/restartWrapper in 20 seconds.

This mail message was automatically generated by restartWrapper,
part of the OSC Radiator package.

Looks like it could be a perl issue.

Anyone have an idea.
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