(RADIATOR) Radius Stadistics in Radiator using RadSec

christian zungri chcjzungri at gmail.com
Tue May 30 16:19:15 CDT 2006

I'm using one Radiator to log to a file the accounting tickets. I've some
instances of Radiator as a Front-End, which send the accounting tickets to a
Back-End Radiator instance, that save the tickets to disk. The Front-End
Radiators send the accounting tickets to the Back-End using RadSec; and
everythin works fine.
On the other hand, I have some script that periodically query (by SNMP) the
Radiators instances in order to get some statistics data. My problem is that
when I query the Radiator Instance which receive paquets by RadSec, all
the counters related with the Radius traffic are in cero. I tried also
quering it with the "status" radpwtst packet, but the result was the same.
It seems not to be counting the paquets that process, when it received them
by RadSec.
Does anybody know how could I pool this Radiator Instance in order to get
statistic data?

My RadSec configuration is quite simple:
        Secret radacct
        Port 20084

Thanks in advance.

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