(RADIATOR) SIP authentication with SER and Radiator

Hugh Irvine hugh at open.com.au
Tue May 9 18:33:03 CDT 2006

Hello Sebastian -

Could you please send me a copy of your configuration file and a more  
complete trace 4 debug showing the startup messages and the request  

There are example configuration files in "goodies/sip.cfg" and  
"goodies/ser.cfg" in the Radiator 3.14 distribution.

BTW - for LDAP you can set up your own search filter in the AuthBy  
LDAP2 clause (see section 5.36 in the manual "doc/ref.html").



On 10 May 2006, at 08:58, Sebastian Vieira wrote:

> Hello,
> Here we are trying to test SIP authentication with SER and Radiator  
> to an LDAP database. Currently the Radiator server is receiving the  
> Access-Requests but it is not clear to me how to authenticate it  
> because there is no User-Password attribute in the packet.  
> Obviously, with this missing attribute, LDAP authentication fails.
> Following is the format of one of the access-requests
> Code:       Access-Request
> Identifier: 119
> Authentic:  <148><132>8=1v<239><209><250><208><227>F<173>m<159><134>
> Attributes:
>        User-Name = "testuser at testrealm"
>        Digest-Attributes = <10><12>testuser
>        Digest-Attributes = <1><12>testrealm
>        Digest-Attributes =  
> <2>*4460f4a30086c04d1edda16c68ad40b4942b153e
>        Digest-Attributes = <4><16>sip:testrealm
>        Digest-Attributes = <3><10>REGISTER
>        Digest-Attributes = <5><6>auth
>        Digest-Attributes = <9><10>00000001
>        Digest-Attributes = <8><18>84c91b1673a8e22c
>        Digest-Response = "c9c04b933351c81ceebbabd9012d70e7"
>        Service-Type = Annex-Framed-Tunnel
>        Sip-Uri-User = "4609998"
>        NAS-Port = 0
>        NAS-IP-Address = UNKNOWN
> What do I need to do to authenticate this kind of requests?
> Regards,
> Sebastian
> --
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Have you read the reference manual ("doc/ref.html")?
Have you searched the mailing list archive (www.open.com.au/archives/ 
Have you had a quick look on Google (www.google.com)?
Have you included a copy of your configuration file (no secrets),
together with a trace 4 debug showing what is happening?

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