(RADIATOR) Rewrite Username (Radmin 1.10/Radiator 3.14)

Michael Bellears mbellears at staff.datafx.com.au
Sun Mar 26 16:52:52 CST 2006

I've juist upgraded to Radmin 1.10/Radiator 3.14 - Post initial upgrade
I was seeing the following:

ERR: Error while rewriting username tester: syntax error at (eval 58)
line 2, at EOF

Searching archives revealed the REWRITEUSERNAME client clause needed to
be replaced by NULLs (From Hugh)

Not entirely sure what I should be entering into the REWRITEUSERNAME
field, as I get the following in the logs now:  

Mon Mar 27 08:32:00 2006: ERR: Error while rewriting username tester:
Bareword "NULL" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at (eval 3100)
line 2.


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