(RADIATOR) Proxy hook or something

Toomas Kärner tomkar at estpak.ee
Mon Jun 19 08:24:43 CDT 2006

Forgot to change the subject.

Monday, June 19, 2006, 3:08:53 PM, you wrote:

> Hello All/Hugh,

> In order to get some funky remote provider class attribute caching to
> work I need to run a hook after everything is done with AuthBy's and
> just before sending the Accounting request to remote partner.
> ReplyHook and NoReplyHook are no good since they are triggered by
> incoming packet or by timeout. I would need something like
> PostAuthHook in the outbound direction of Acct proxy.
> Any ideas?
> One is just to put another proxy in between that does all needed in
> the "pre" phase of processing....

> Rgds.
> Toomas

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