(RADIATOR) AuthByPolicy ContinueUntilAccept problems

Robin Breathe rbreathe at brookes.ac.uk
Fri Jun 2 08:51:01 CDT 2006

Hugh Irvine wrote:
> What I tend to do in my consulting practice for complex requirements
> like this is use an AuthBy INTERNAL with a hook, and select the
> appropriate AuthBy clause in the hook code.
> I don't know whether this will work in your case, but you can try it.
> There are numerous example hooks showing how to do various things in
> "goodies/hooks.txt".


Thanks for this suggestion, I've got things working beautifully with a
little Radius::AuthGeneric::find()->handle_request() magic!

Robin Breathe, Computer Services, Oxford Brookes University, Oxford, UK
rbreathe at brookes.ac.uk       Tel: +44 1865 483685  Fax: +44 1865 483073

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