(RADIATOR) LDAP Attribute manipulation via PostSearchHook

Woods, Bryan Bryan.Woods at pomona.k12.ca.us
Mon Jul 24 11:43:12 CDT 2006

I'm trying to authenticate against openLDAP (AuthBy LDAP2) using an
NT-hashed password.  For whatever reason, my LDAP stores the NT-hashed
password with a prefix of '0x', not the {nthash} that RADIATOR is expecting.

Based on what I have found in the docs and list archives, I understand that
I need to use the PostSearchHook clause to manipulate the LDAP attribute
(the LDAP attribute is called 'ntpassword').  When I replaced the '0x'
prefix with '{nthash}' directly in LDAP, I can authenticate just fine.  And
I managed to find the config snippet in the list archives that's supposed to
prefix the '{nthash}' as part of the PostSearchHook part:

		PostSearchHook sub {my $ntpassword =

I also included this line in my config as the docs suggested was necessary:

		AuthAttrDef ntpassword,GENERIC,request

But what I need to do is have this PostSearchHook clip the '0x' off the
front of the ntpassword attribute and then add the '{nthash}' piece.  Can
someone offer a little help in figuring out what the PostSearchHook should
look like?


Bryan Woods
Assistant System Administrator
Pomona Unified School District

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