(RADIATOR) Multiple kerberos realms - segmentation error

Carol Ward cward at mines.edu
Mon Jan 16 12:59:15 CST 2006

Hi folks -

We're running radiator 3.13.  When I define multiple realms using kerberos
authentication, we get a segmentation error.  Interestingly, radiusd continues 
to run and authenticates correctly.  Anyone have any idea  what is happening?  
The config below will cause the problem.  Admittedly,
it's silly to have 2 realms with the same authentication, but we we're adding
various flags and admission restrictions via a file and a continuewhileaccept
clause and these admission restrictions vary by client.  I have kerberos 5 1.3.5
libraries and perl module installed.  This happens both under redhat 9 with perl
and  debian 3.1 (sarge) with perl v5.8.4.

Thanks for any help/advice.



# See radius.cfg for more complete examples of features and
# syntax, and refer to the reference manual for a complete description
# of all the features and syntax.
# You should consider this file to be a starting point only
# $Id: simple.cfg,v 1.4 2001/04/25 23:47:13 mikem Exp $

LogDir		.
DbDir		.
# User a lower trace level in production systems:
Trace 		4

# You will probably want to add other Clients to suit your site,
# one for each NAS you want to work with
<Client DEFAULT>
	Secret	mysecret
	DupInterval 0

<Realm acn>
        <AuthBy KRB5>
                KrbRealm        SAMPLE.EDU

<Realm acn2>
        <AuthBy KRB5>
                KrbRealm        SAMPLE.EDU

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