(RADIATOR) missing acct logs
Jan Stanik
bjstanik at in.nextra.sk
Fri Jan 13 04:08:36 CST 2006
Hi all,
Last night we had strange problem with Radiator. Accounting table in
the database was locked and Radiator could not insert accounting logs
to it. It hung on the first insert command and was waiting and waiting...
What's strange that no other logs where created - no misaccounting
logs, no error logs. Radiator didn't get time out.
There was no problem to connect to acct port and send new accounting
data but nothing was recorded.
We lost all accounting logs for one day so I need to understand
what's happened to avoid this problem in the future.
Thank you for your help.
Database backend is Oracle.
Bellow is part of acct config file:
# Run in the foreground
# Log to stdout
# Do not log to file
#LogFile %L/logfile-acct-debug-%Y%m
# Trace Level
# 0 ERR. Error conditions. Serious and unexpected failures
# 1 WARNING. Warning conditions. Unexpected failures
# 2 NOTICE. Normal but significant conditions.
# 3 INFO. Informational messages.
# 4 DEBUG. Debugging messages.
# 5 Incoming raw packet dumps in hexadecimal.
Trace 4
# Listen for authentication requests on port 1812 as per RFC 2138 AuthPort
AcctPort 1646
# Don't bind Auth port
# Put log files in
LogDir /opt/radiator/log/dial
#DB Directory
DbDir /opt/radiator/etc
# Dictionary file is in the current directory
DictionaryFile /opt/radiator/etc/dictionary
# My global parametres
DefineGlobalVar OraName1 auth.nx
DefineGlobalVar OraUser1 radiator
DefineGlobalVar OraPass1 xxxxxxxxxx
DefineGlobalVar OraName2 nike.nx
DefineGlobalVar OraUser2 accountlog
DefineGlobalVar OraPass2 xxxxxxxxxx
#--------------------- Marta ADSL
<AuthBy SQL>
Identifier MartaADSL
DBSource dbi:Oracle:%{GlobalVar:OraName2}
DBUsername %{GlobalVar:OraUser2}
DBAuth %{GlobalVar:OraPass2}
FailureBackoffTime 180
DateFormat to_date('%x %X', 'MM/DD/YY HH24:MI:SS')
AccountingTable accountlog.radius_calls_marta_adsl
AcctColumnDef USER_NAME,User-Name
AcctColumnDef NAS_PORT,NAS-Port
# AcctColumnDef NAS_PORT,Cisco-NAS-Port
AcctColumnDef ACCT_SESSION_ID,Acct-Session-Id
AcctColumnDef NAS_PORT_TYPE,NAS-Port-Type, integer
AcctColumnDef ACCT_STATUS_TYPE,Acct-Status-Type,integer
AcctColumnDef ACCT_SESSION_TIME,Acct-Session-Time,integer
# AcctColumnDef ACCT_AUTHENTIC,Acct-Authentic
AcctColumnDef ACCT_INPUT_OCTETS,Acct-Input-Octets, integer
AcctColumnDef ACCT_INPUT_GIGAWORDS,Acct-Input-Gigawords,
AcctColumnDef ACCT_OUTPUT_OCTETS,Acct-Output-Octets, integer
AcctColumnDef ACCT_OUTPUT_GIGAWORDS,Acct-Output-Gigawords,
AcctColumnDef ACCT_TERMINATE_CAUSE,Acct-Terminate-Cause,
# AcctColumnDef SERVICE_TYPE,Service-Type
# AcctColumnDef FRAMED_PROTOCOL,Framed-Protocol
AcctColumnDef FRAMED_IP,Framed-IP-Address
# AcctColumnDef ACCT_DELAY_TIME,Acct-Delay-Time,integer
# AcctColumnDef ACCT_INPUT_PACKETS,Acct-Input-Packets, integer
# AcctColumnDef ACCT_OUTPUT_PACKETS,Acct-Output-Packets, integer
# AcctColumnDef CALLED_STATION_ID,Called-Station-Id
AcctColumnDef CALLING_STATION_ID,Calling-Station-Id
AcctColumnDef ETHERNET,Ethernet
# AcctColumnDef TIMESTAMP,Timestamp
AcctColumnDef CALL_DATE,Timestamp,formatted-date,to_date\
('%e %m %Y %H:%M:%S', 'DD MM YYYY HH24:MI:SS')
AcctFailedLogFileName %L/missacct_marta_adsl_%Y%m%d
#--------------------- (prepaid) MARTA ADSL
<Handler Class=/^200.+$/>
SessionDatabase SDNull
AuthByPolicy else
AuthBy NewADSL
AuthBy WriteToAdslDB
AuthBy SessionDB
AuthBy MartaADSL
AcctLogFileName %L/acct_adsl_marta_%Y%m%d
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