(RADIATOR) Bad patches-3.14.tar.gz

Mike McCauley mikem at open.com.au
Tue Feb 28 20:19:24 CST 2006

Hello Peter, Andrew and others,

There was indeed a problem in the patch set that affected AuthBy LDAP2 but 
only when ServerChecksPassword is used.

This problem has been fixed in the latest patch set.

We apologise for any inconvenience.


On Friday 24 February 2006 22:39, Petr Zimak wrote:
> Hello all
> Today, Feb 24 at 11:50 european time, I have downloaded the latest
> patches-3.14.tar.gz and installed without checking. Then my logfile was
> filled with lines like these:
> Fri Feb 24 12:55:58 2006: INFO: Connecting to ldap1.urz.unibas.ch:389
> Fri Feb 24 12:55:58 2006: INFO: Attempting to bind to LDAP server
> ldap1.urz.unibas.ch:389 Fri Feb 24 12:55:58 2006: INFO: Access rejected for
> Petr.Zimak at unibas.ch: Bad Encrypted password
> I recovered the last version from backup and things work again. Do other
> people also experience this problem, or is it just a strange config on my
> side? Btw, I noticed that in AuthLDAP2.pm, the Scope parameter is missing:
> %Radius::AuthLDAP2::ConfigKeywords =
>      ('UsernameAttr'            => 'string',
>       'PasswordAttr'            => 'string',
>       'EncryptedPasswordAttr'   => 'string',
>       'CheckAttr'               => 'string',
>       'ReplyAttr'               => 'string',
>       'ServerChecksPassword'    => 'flag',
>       'AuthCheckDN'             => 'string',
>       'NoBindBeforeOp'          => 'flag',
>       'Scope'                   => 'string',   <-- missing
>       'LDAPRejectEmptyPassword' => 'flag',
>       'AuthAttrDef'             => 'stringarray',
>       'MaxRecords'              => 'integer',
>       'GetNovellUP'             => 'flag',
>       'PostSearchHook'          => 'hook',
>       );
> Regards, Petr
> --
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Mike McCauley                               mikem at open.com.au
Open System Consultants Pty. Ltd            Unix, Perl, Motif, C++, WWW
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Phone +61 7 5598-7474                       Fax   +61 7 5598-7070

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