(RADIATOR) Problem with jradius based authenticator

Alex Sharaz A.Sharaz at hull.ac.uk
Mon Aug 21 07:00:26 CDT 2006


I'm writing a radius based authenticator for a java application server
using the jradius API.

It's fairly simple and just tries to perform a PAP type authentication
at the moment.

I am running 3.1.15 with a patchfile including updates up till 27-06-06

However , when I try to perform an authentication from the application
server, I get

Mon Aug 21 12:52:32 2006: DEBUG: Packet dump:
*** Received from port 32821 ....
Code:       Access-Request
Identifier: 5
Authentic:  <232><141><129><186>u<235>q<127><231>M<16><198><17>0PU
        User-Name = "ccsas at hull.ac.uk"
        NAS-Port-Type = Wireless-IEEE-802-11
        NAS-Port = 1
        NAS-IP-Address =
        NAS-Identifier = "Newcomms RADIUS auth module"
        User-Password =
        Message-Authenticator =

Mon Aug 21 12:52:32 2006: WARNING: Could not find a handler for
ccsas at hull.ac.uk: request is ignored

On my radius.conf file I have

        Secret   <something>
        Identifier newcomms
        NasType unknown

(my usual Client-Identifire=/newcomms/I instead of the NAS-IP-Address
attribute also fails.)
# Newcomms loging auth
<Handler NAS-IP-Address=/150\.237\.47\.22/i, Realm=/hull\.ac\.uk/i>
   AuthBy radHull
   AuthLog  paplog
   SessionDatabase NULL_SESSION_DB
   PreProcessingHook file:"%D/access_request.pl"
# userid without a realm
<Handler NAS-IP-Address=/150\.237\.47\.22/i, Realm=>
   AuthBy radHull
   AuthLog  paplog
   SessionDatabase NULL_SESSION_DB
   PreProcessingHook file:"%D/access_request.pl"
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