(RADIATOR) SQL "bind variables" ?

Hugh Irvine hugh at open.com.au
Mon Aug 14 18:13:59 CDT 2006

Hello Ricardo -

In general with Oracle you should use stored procedures if you are  
concerned about performance.

You can then configure the AuthBy SQL clause to call the stored  

Unfortunately there is no standard way to implement bind variables  
across different databases - and some databases don't support them at  



On 15 Aug 2006, at 08:42, Ricardo Martinez wrote:

> Hello.
>         I have a question regarding to the "AuthBy SQL".  We have  
> several AuthBy for this type working fine.  Each AuthBy make a  
> connection to a Oracle database.  The problem/question is ragarding  
> to the performance in my DB.  As far as i know Radiator is making  
> "inserts" like :
> insert into ACCOUNTING  
> ('0','9831a498-91b9ca at','Stop','sip: 
> 584 at sip.mydomain.com,'sip: 
> 5591232 at sip.mydomain.com,'','5060','Sip- 
> Session','103','1fec2b5a740','8','200','5fdc88b54i0','sip: 
> 5591097 at','55911232 at sip.mydomain.com')
> and for each insert use the common instruction from above.  With  
> this format the DB has to parse each "instruction" every time a new  
> insert arrives, making the DB performance degrade.
> Is possible for Radiator use "bind variables" to work with  
> Oracle?.  With "bind variables" you only need to send the  
> instruction one time :
> INSERT into temporal values (:value1,:value2)
> and then only send the respective values, making the insertions  
> much more efficient.  Is maybe this format implemented in Radiator?  
> or is in the Roadmap?
> Thanks !
> Ricardo.-


Have you read the reference manual ("doc/ref.html")?
Have you searched the mailing list archive (www.open.com.au/archives/ 
Have you had a quick look on Google (www.google.com)?
Have you included a copy of your configuration file (no secrets),
together with a trace 4 debug showing what is happening?

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