(RADIATOR) Dead-realm feature for Radiator servers

Jan Tomasek jan at tomasek.cz
Tue Aug 8 15:21:01 CDT 2006


past few months I was experimenting with Radiator setup. My problem was
how to configure it to be able fall back to backup server, when I can
not rely on timeout on responses. Timeout can be caused by some dead
server behind proxy servers I'm communicating with and that does not
mean my closest peer is dead.

I developed configuration which implements dead-realm instead of
dead-host marking. This feature can be useful for any admin running
network of RADIUS proxy servers which are proxying EAP sessions. I care
about this problem, because I'm admin of eduroam in Czech Republic.

More info about my motivation, about implementation and test I did is on

Best regards
Jan Tomasek aka Semik

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