(RADIATOR) How to pass arguments to hook?

Jan Tomasek jan at tomasek.cz
Fri Aug 4 03:35:41 CDT 2006

Hello Frank,

> You may want to look at DefineFormattedGlobalVar. This allows you to defince
> varaibles in the confgi file which can be accessed inside a hook using
> &main::getVariable(). There is an example of this in the goodies/hooks.txt
> file.

that is global variable, you canot put DefineFormattedGlobalVar into 
<Handler> </Handler>

I need customize arguments for that NoReplyHook in multiple diferent 
handlers. For example:

<Handler Realm=/^orgA\.etest\.cesnet\.cz$/>
	DefineFormattedGlobalVar	dr_server_list r1,r2

<Handler Realm=/^orgC\.etest\.cesnet\.cz$/>
	DefineFormattedGlobalVar	dr_server_list r1

That does not work. Radiator says:

Fri Aug  4 10:34:32 2006: ERR: Unknown keyword 
'DefineFormattedGlobalVar' in /etc/radiator/radius.cfg line 58

Thanks for idea, but this is not my way :) Any other sugestions?

Jan Tomasek aka Semik

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