(RADIATOR) Support for Microsoft groups with AuthBy LSA

romanjoh at msnotes.wustl.edu romanjoh at msnotes.wustl.edu
Tue Aug 1 11:42:30 CDT 2006

We are evaluating Radiator to replace another Radius server, and our need
is to be able to authenticate users by Microsoft groups.  Specifically, we
need support for universal groups.Three types of Microsoft groups: Domain
Local Groups, Global Groups, and Universal Groups.

The documentation indicates in 5.51.7 that "Only Global groups are
supported" for Groups in AuthBy LSA.    The Perl code is:
Win32::NetAdmin::GroupIsMember($controller, $group, $username) in
AuthLSA.pm.  I have not been able to tell from the
ActiveState/Win32::NetAdmin documentation which types of groups are

Does this mean (as it appears) that Universal Groups are not supported?
Does anyone have any experience or knowledge?

John Roman

jroman at wustl.edu
Manager, Network Services
Washington University
Box 8132
660 S Euclid Avenue
Saint Louis, MO 63110
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