(RADIATOR) "Phantom" attribute

Claudio Lapidus clapidus at gmail.com
Sat Apr 22 11:27:28 CDT 2006

Hello all

Is there any way to achieve the goal stated below through
configuration? I mean, without resorting to a hook.

thanks in advance

On 4/19/06, Claudio Lapidus <clapidus at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello Mike,
> On 4/19/06, Mike McCauley <mikem at open.com.au> wrote:
> > > > we have not been able to reproduce this problem here.
> Ok, it seems I've shot my own foot here: the culprit was the following
> line in the config file:
> AcctLogFileFormat   %d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S,site2,,,,,,,,,%{User-Name},%R,\
>                    %{GlobalVar:nas_id},,,%{NAS-Port},\
>                    ,,%{Framed-IP-Address},%{Calling-Station-Id},\
>                    %{Called-Station-Id},%{Acct-Session-Id},\
>                    ,,%{Acct-Session-Time},,%{Acct-Input-Octets},\
>                    %{Acct-Output-Octets},,,,,,,,
> >>>                 %{IntegerVal:Ascend-Disconnect-Cause},,,\
>                    %{IntegerVal:Acct-Terminate-Cause},,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,\
> %{NAS-Identifier},,%{GlobalVar:service_name},,,,,,,,,,,,,,End
> which is meant to produce a report for a legacy application which
> needs this particular format. The error fires when
> Ascend-Disconnect-Cause isn't present in the original packet, which
> leads me into a different question: is it possible somehow to
> conditionally include an attribute reference in this clause?
> Example: only apply IntegerVal if the attribute is present, otherwise
> use 0 (or some other text defined through configuration). I thought
> the %{Eval:expression} construct could have been useful in this
> context, especially if I could nest IntegerVal inside it (probably
> yes). Too bad it is no longer available.
> best regards
> cl.

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