(RADIATOR) how do I fix "Could not AdjustPrivilege SE_TCB_PRIVILEGE"?

Veaceslav Revutchi slavarevutchi at yahoo.com
Fri Sep 23 12:19:40 CDT 2005

I'm trying to use AuthBy LSA module to do EAP/PEAP
with AD and I keep getting the same errors when I
start radiator:
"C:\tmp\Radiator-Locked-3.13>perl radiusd -config
Fri Sep 23 10:03:55 2005: ERR: Could not
AdjustPrivilege SE_TCB_PRIVILEGE: A req
uired privilege is not held by the client.

Fri Sep 23 10:03:55 2005: ERR: Could not load AuthBy
module Radius::AuthLSA:
Fri Sep 23 10:03:55 2005: ERR: Unknown object 'AuthBy'
in goodies\lsa_eap_peap.c
fg line 102
Fri Sep 23 10:03:55 2005: DEBUG: Finished reading
configuration file 'goodies\ls
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I tryed the whole thing on several XP machines with
the same outcome. Each time I was logged in as
Administrator. Here are the steps I went through:
Installed perl from active state, installed Win32-Lsa
and Net::SSLeay modules, installed radiator, patched
radiator, tested the sample radius.cfg ok. As soon as
I stick the AuthBy LSA section in the config I get the
above errors. I have the "access this computer from
the network" in Local Sec.Policy -> User Rights
Assign. Security settings are Everyone,

I searched the archives and found the same privilege
problem in other people's posts. Can someone who has
had the same problem give me a hint on how to fix it?

Any advice appreciated,

Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005 

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