(RADIATOR) Patch to SNMPAgent.pm

Jose Borges Ferreira underspell at gmail.com
Thu Sep 15 10:56:57 CDT 2005

I noticed that SNMPAgent module didn't parse variables in their
parameters. Since i need it for BindAddress and Port I've patched to
do so.

I need this because i have the same configuration file for several
servers. I include server specific information and use global

snapshot of configuration:

include     %D/local.cfg

    RWCommunity yadayadayada
    ROCommunity yetanotheryada
    BindAddress %{GlobalVar:SNMPBindIP}
    Port             %{GlobalVar:SNMPBindPort}

Snapshot of local.cfg

BindAddress     342.567.123.987
DefineGlobalVar ServerName      radiussrv01
DefineGlobalVar SNMPBindIP    321.456.789.12
DefineGlobalVar SNMPBindPort 1234

José Borges Ferreira
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