(RADIATOR) Airport base stations and Radius Accounting.

Nigel Kersten nigel at cofa.unsw.edu.au
Wed Oct 12 17:32:06 CDT 2005

On 13/10/2005, at 7:42 AM, Jeff Wolfe wrote:

> Nigel Kersten wrote:
>> That wasn't quite what I meant. I know the Airport Extreme  
>> supports  Radius authentication, I'm doing it.  :)
>> I'm wondering whether it supports Radius Accounting, as I don't  
>> seem  to be getting any accounting info sent to radiator.
> About a year ago, I tested the Airport Extreme and Express with  
> Radiator. The authentication worked fine, but I was never able to  
> get the APs to send any accounting data.. Apparently that's still  
> true.. :)

ah. So it's not just me :) Thanks for that.

I really wish I could get a straight answer out of my Apple SE on  
this one...

Nigel Kersten [Senior Technical Officer]
College of Fine Arts, University of NSW, Australia.
CRICOS Provider Code: 00098G

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