(RADIATOR) Bug in AuthLDAP2.pm (Radiator v3.13) relating to alias and dereferencing

Lohier, Matthew Matthew.Lohier at pba.com.au
Mon Nov 21 23:36:40 CST 2005

Hi guys,

Yeah I noticed (after a little while) that the Deref configuration item
in LDAP2 was not going through to LDAP. Deref is passed to Net::LDAP in
the connection creation (new) but it's not supposed to! (see CPAN
Net::LDAP). 'deref' is expected as an optional parameter in the 'search'
method instead.

       sub {
	   $result = $self->{ld}->search
	      (base => $basedn,
		scope => $self->{Scope},
		filter => $filter,
		attrs => \@attrs,
		deref => $self->{Deref});
I've tried and it works. Sorry if I'm work or if that problem was
already reported.

Cheers / Matt

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