(RADIATOR) protecting SQL characters

DELORT Stephane Stephane.DELORT at murex.com
Thu Nov 10 09:54:50 CST 2005

Hello all, 

I use a MySQL database to authenticate my user and have request that looks like :

	<AuthBy SQL>
		DBSource	dbi:mysql:mydatabase:x.x.x.x
		DBUsername  radius
		AuthSelect select PASSWORD, if( from_unixtime(enddate, '%Y-%m-%d') = curdate() , if( REMAINTIME < time_to_sec(from_unixtime(ENDDATE, '%H:%M:%S'))-time_to_sec(curtime()) , REMAINTIME , time_to_sec(from_unixtime(ENDDATE, '%H:%M:%S'))-time_to_sec(curtime()) ) ,  REMAINTIME) from USERS where LOGIN=%0 and REMAINTIME > 0 and ENDDATE > unix_timestamp() and DAYTIMEENABLED=0 ;	
		AuthColumnDef 0, User-Password, check
		AuthColumnDef 1, Session-Timeout, reply

When this goes through the authentication process, Radiator reads all the '%something' characters and replace them by the values that can be found in Radiator special characters.

This is obviously NOT what I want since these characters specify the format in which the database answer should be read.

Is there something I can do to avoid such a behaviour and be able to read "... '%Y-%m-%d' ..." in the logs ?

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