(RADIATOR) Radmin setup question with Autenthication

Prins, R. r.prins at i-groep.leidenuniv.nl
Mon May 9 06:40:56 CDT 2005

Ok It doesn't work the way I thought it would (just use the
Auth-Type="Network-Devices as a check attribute). It actively executes
the clause with Identifier "Network-Devices", causing a loop
(correspondence off-list with Hugh)

Let me take it one step broader:

What I am trying: I want to give a user in the Radmin DB an attribute
"Network-Devices" which enables him to access certain Clients. Users
without that attribute should get a deny, but only when they want to
access "Network-Devices".

What is the best way to tackle this problem? Which check- or reply-items
can I use?

Thanks in advance, Ryko Prins

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-radiator at open.com.au [mailto:owner-radiator at open.com.au] On
Behalf Of Prins, R. 
Sent: 04 mei 2005 10:34
To: Radiator MailingList
Subject: (RADIATOR) Radmin setup question with Autenthication

I try to implement user authorization with Radmin.

In Radmin I have created a service profile called "Network-Devices".
(Quotes aren't part of the configuraton text anywhere)

In Radmin I have created a check item Auth-Type="Network-Devices"

In Radmin I have created a user with the service profile

In Radiator I have created a Realm "radmin" using the default
configuration from "goodies".

In the Authby RADMIN clause I have added an identifier "Network-Devices"

It works very well without the Auth-Type set as a check item

If I define the check item I get an endless loop in Radiator

What did I do wrong"?

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