(RADIATOR) EAP result 1

Hugh Irvine hugh at open.com.au
Thu May 5 17:53:19 CDT 2005

Hello Roland -

Thanks for your mail.

As far as I can see in the debug, the two access requests are 
different, containing different EAP-Message's:

first request:

        EAP-Message = 

second request:

         EAP-Message = <2><1><0><11><1>tecan2

the second request is processed correctly.

I think this is something to do with either your client or the access 



On 6 May 2005, at 01:05, Roland Zirn wrote:

> Hello
> I have a Notebook with WinXP and Wireless-Adapter and the Odyssey 
> Client installed. I want to login to a Win2000 server over a Cisco 
> AP-1231 AccessPoint. My problem is, after the Notebook started up and 
> I want to login the EAP MD5-Challenge failed with EAP result 1. After 
> a reconnect from the Odyssey Client, the Notebook was connected to the 
> Server. Where is my is the problem?
> Thanks for any help!
> Roland 
> The radius.cfg:
> Foreground
> LogStdout
> LogDir  c:/Program Files/Radiator
> DbDir  c:/Program Files/Radiator
> Trace   4
> <Client DEFAULT>
>  Secret 8WXSklcAnFflsrPG
>  DupInterval 0
> </Client>
> <Realm DEFAULT>
>  <AuthBy FILE>
>   # %D is replaced by DbDir above
>   Filename %D/users
>   EAPType MD5-Challenge
>  </AuthBy>
> #</Handler>
>  AcctLogFileName %D/detail
> </Realm>
> The log:
> Tue May  3 15:02:13 2005: DEBUG: Packet dump:
> *** Received from port 21733 ....
> Code:       Access-Request
> Identifier: 221
> Authentic:  L}<238><222><242><153><166><12><153>B<24>m<186>z_<219>
> Attributes:
>         User-Name = "tecan2"
>         Framed-MTU = 1400
>         Called-Station-Id = "000f.24d6.c6a0"
>         Calling-Station-Id = "000c.f125.7ee1"
>         Service-Type = Login-User
>         Message-Authenticator = 
> 0<131><233><2><239><229><215><178>]E8<189>#bk<1
> 6>
>         EAP-Message = 
> <2><2><0><22><4><16>I<8><208>k<238>:y<128><220>w<218><202
> <26><248><136>`
>         NAS-Port-Type = Wireless-IEEE-802-11
>         NAS-Port = 15102
>         NAS-IP-Address =
>         NAS-Identifier = "Test-33-82"
> Tue May  3 15:02:13 2005: DEBUG: Handling request with Handler 
> 'Realm=DEFAULT'
> Tue May  3 15:02:13 2005: DEBUG:  Deleting session for tecan2, 
>, 1
> 102
> Tue May  3 15:02:13 2005: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthFILE:
> Tue May  3 15:02:13 2005: DEBUG: Handling with EAP: code 2, 2, 22
> Tue May  3 15:02:13 2005: DEBUG: Response type 4
> Tue May  3 15:02:13 2005: DEBUG: Radius::AuthFILE looks for match with 
> tecan2
> Tue May  3 15:02:13 2005: DEBUG: Radius::AuthFILE ACCEPT:
> Tue May  3 15:02:13 2005: DEBUG: EAP result: 1, EAP MD5-Challenge 
> failed
> Tue May  3 15:02:13 2005: DEBUG: AuthBy FILE result: REJECT, EAP 
> MD5-Challenge
> ailed
> Tue May  3 15:02:13 2005: INFO: Access rejected for tecan2: EAP 
> MD5-Challenge f
> iled
> Tue May  3 15:02:13 2005: DEBUG: Packet dump:
> *** Sending to port 21733 ....
> Code:       Access-Reject
> Identifier: 221
> Authentic:  L}<238><222><242><153><166><12><153>B<24>m<186>z_<219>
> Attributes:
>         EAP-Message = <4><2><0><4>
>         Message-Authenticator = 
> <0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0
>         Reply-Message = "Request Denied"
> Tue May  3 15:02:18 2005: DEBUG: Packet dump:
> *** Received from port 21733 ....
> Code:       Access-Request
> Identifier: 222
> Authentic:  C<246>x<159><141><13><223><128><25>?<241><158>7M<168><148>
> Attributes:
>         User-Name = "tecan2"
>         Framed-MTU = 1400
>         Called-Station-Id = "000f.24d6.c6a0"
>         Calling-Station-Id = "000c.f125.7ee1"
>         Service-Type = Login-User
>         Message-Authenticator = 
> <193><203><127>7<189><197><205>dr<0>K<206>D,<13
> ><160>
>         EAP-Message = <2><1><0><11><1>tecan2
>         NAS-Port-Type = Wireless-IEEE-802-11
>         NAS-Port = 15103
>         NAS-IP-Address =
>         NAS-Identifier = "Test-33-82"
> Tue May  3 15:02:18 2005: DEBUG: Handling request with Handler 
> 'Realm=DEFAULT'
> Tue May  3 15:02:18 2005: DEBUG:  Deleting session for tecan2, 
>, 1
> 103
> Tue May  3 15:02:18 2005: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthFILE:
> Tue May  3 15:02:18 2005: DEBUG: Handling with EAP: code 2, 1, 11
> Tue May  3 15:02:18 2005: DEBUG: Response type 1
> Tue May  3 15:02:18 2005: DEBUG: EAP result: 3, EAP MD5-Challenge
> Tue May  3 15:02:18 2005: DEBUG: AuthBy FILE result: CHALLENGE, EAP 
> MD5-Challen
> e
> Tue May  3 15:02:18 2005: DEBUG: Access challenged for tecan2: EAP 
> MD5-Challeng
> Tue May  3 15:02:18 2005: DEBUG: Packet dump:
> *** Sending to port 21733 ....
> Code:       Access-Challenge
> Identifier: 222
> Authentic:  C<246>x<159><141><13><223><128><25>?<241><158>7M<168><148>
> Attributes:
>         EAP-Message = 
> <1><2><0>"<4><16><12>9<200>Y<244><158>v<26>%)<29>z<139><2
> 5><190><175>seuchremote1
>         Message-Authenticator = 
> <0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0
> Tue May  3 15:02:19 2005: DEBUG: Packet dump:
> *** Received from port 21733 ....
> Code:       Access-Request
> Identifier: 223
> Authentic:  <143><140>(<221><19>M<193><201>Zs<190>(<21><219><249>B
> Attributes:
>         User-Name = "tecan2"
>         Framed-MTU = 1400
>         Called-Station-Id = "000f.24d6.c6a0"
>         Calling-Station-Id = "000c.f125.7ee1"
>         Service-Type = Login-User
>         Message-Authenticator = <158><133><18>B<27>$<254><211> 
> <248>s{<3><209><
> 25>3
>         EAP-Message = 
> <2><2><0><22><4><16><142>a<142><144>M<21><145><151>3<220>
> <131><230><158>,<162>
>         NAS-Port-Type = Wireless-IEEE-802-11
>         NAS-Port = 15103
>         NAS-IP-Address =
>         NAS-Identifier = "Test-33-82"
> Tue May  3 15:02:19 2005: DEBUG: Handling request with Handler 
> 'Realm=DEFAULT'
> Tue May  3 15:02:19 2005: DEBUG:  Deleting session for tecan2, 
>, 1
> 103
> Tue May  3 15:02:19 2005: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthFILE:
> Tue May  3 15:02:19 2005: DEBUG: Handling with EAP: code 2, 2, 22
> Tue May  3 15:02:19 2005: DEBUG: Response type 4
> Tue May  3 15:02:19 2005: DEBUG: Radius::AuthFILE looks for match with 
> tecan2
> Tue May  3 15:02:19 2005: DEBUG: Radius::AuthFILE ACCEPT:
> Tue May  3 15:02:19 2005: DEBUG: EAP result: 0,
> Tue May  3 15:02:19 2005: DEBUG: AuthBy FILE result: ACCEPT,
> Tue May  3 15:02:19 2005: DEBUG: Access accepted for tecan2
> Tue May  3 15:02:19 2005: DEBUG: Packet dump:
> *** Sending to port 21733 ....
> Code:       Access-Accept
> Identifier: 223
> Authentic:  <143><140>(<221><19>M<193><201>Zs<190>(<21><219><249>B
> Attributes:
>         EAP-Message = <3><2><0><4>
>         Message-Authenticator = 
> <0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0
>         Service-Type = Framed-User
>         Framed-Protocol = PPP
>         Framed-IP-Netmask =
>         Framed-Routing = None
>         Framed-MTU = 1500
>         Framed-Compression = Van-Jacobson-TCP-IP


Have you read the reference manual ("doc/ref.html")?
Have you searched the mailing list archive 
Have you had a quick look on Google (www.google.com)?
Have you included a copy of your configuration file (no secrets),
together with a trace 4 debug showing what is happening?

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