(RADIATOR) how do to deal with special characters in username (aka Cisco "$enab15$ user)

Hugh Irvine hugh at open.com.au
Fri Mar 25 02:33:00 CST 2005

Hello Mickey -

Why do you say Radiator does not like the "$" character?

Can you please send me a copy of your configuration file and a trace 4 
debug from Radiator showing what is happening?

BTW - I have seen other implementations that use these type of 
passwords with no trouble.



On 25 Mar 2005, at 02:22, Mickey Everts wrote:

> We have some Dell switches whose OS seems to be somewhat cloned (at 
> least cosmetically) from Cisco IOS.
> Here is a quote from the manual concerning the “enable” password and 
> radius.
> --
> Radius - Uses the list of all RADIUS servers for authentication. Uses 
> username "$enabx$." where x is the privilege level.
> --
> The problem is that radiator doesn’t like the “$” character.  Surely I 
> am not the only one that wants to use radius for the enable 
> password…how should I handle this?
> Thanks in advance…
> Mickey

NB: I am travelling this week, so there may be delays in our 

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