(RADIATOR) Logging configuration

Hugh Irvine hugh at open.com.au
Thu Mar 24 02:40:00 CST 2005

Hello Frank -

Radiator can be configured very easily to log all of this information 
(and much more) depending on what is supplied by the access points.

It is generally easier to use an SQL database as the data repository.

It is also generally simpler to let the access points do the address 

You will find a number of example configuration files in the "goodies" 
directory of the Radiator 3.12 distribution.



On 23 Mar 2005, at 22:20, frank.messie at osix.nl wrote:

> Hi all,
> We are evaluating Radiator to be used in a wireless service 
> environment.
> One of our requirements is that we get a very good log of user 
> activity.
> The log should contain the following information
> - some session id
> - timestamp of authentication
> - userid
> - IP address
> - user activity (session start, session end)
> Can anyone give us a hint which configuration is required to achieve 
> this.
> By the way,
> We intend to use  DHCP to assign addresses from a pool per subnet 
> (there will be 27 subnets for 27 locations) .
> The AP's will provide the DHCP server address based on a VLAN linked 
> to the SSID.
> Or is it better to let the RADIUS server assign IP addresses.
> Thanks for any help and advise.
> Vriendelijke groeten, Kind regards,
>  Frank Messie
>  Osix/Systems B.V.
>  Office:   Bikbergerweg 18, 1272 PM Huizen, The Netherlands
>  Mail:     Postbox 5006, 1410 AA Naarden, The Netherlands
>  Phone:    +31(0)356946010                  Fax:  +31(0)356951802
>  Email:    frank.messie at osix.nl              Homepage: www.osix.nl
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NB: I am travelling this week, so there may be delays in our 

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