(RADIATOR) using different nas for user groups

CHS chs at vol.at
Fri Mar 11 06:37:44 CST 2005

we have the following situation for dial-up and adsl customers which we 
want to handle with radiator. we do auth by ldap and accounting & 
logging by mysql db which is allready working.
we have a lot of nas servers and a lot of different dial-up groups to 
handle and therefor want to specify different nas-server for different 
user groups.
e.g. a user of type A should only be allowed to login through nas server and and user of type B should only be allowed to login 
through one possibility for that would be to give the user 
every nas-ip-address that he can log in which would work but is not that 
comfortable when you change ip or add some nas servers.

therefore we thought it would be nice to have something like an 
identifier for the user which is stored by the user in ldap db. in the 
radius config I want to define something like a pool and tell him the 
ip's of the nas where the user is allowed to login.

I tried to do that through handlers but I don't know how bind the user 
to a goup and the group to the nas server.

could you please tell me how to do that.


here is the radiator config file
# ldap.cfg

        LogDir          .
        LogFile         /var/log/radius.log
        DbDir           /usr/local/etc/******

        # Debugging Level & Logging
        # 0 ERR.Error conditions. Serious and unexpected failures
        # 1 WARNING. Warning conditions. Unexpected failures
        # 2 NOTICE. Normal but significant conditions.
        # 3 INFO. Informational messages.
        # 4 DEBUG. Debugging messages.
        # 5 Incoming raw packet dumps in hexadecimal.
        Trace           4

        PidFile /var/run/radius.pid

# default client if no other is defined
<Client DEFAULT>
        Secret  mysecret
        DupInterval 0

## Test Client ##
        Identifier Client1
        Secret xxxx
        # convert domain\username to username at domain
        # RewriteUsername s/^(.*)\\(.*)/$2\@$1/

        # Tell Radiator how to talk to the LDAP server
        Host            localhost

        # LDAP server authentication.
        AuthDN          cn=***, dc=***, dc=***
        AuthPassword    ****

        # This the top of the search tree where realm records
        # will be found. It should match the configuration
        # of your server, see /etc/openldap/slapd.conf
        BaseDN          dc=***, dc=***

        # You can control the LDAP protocol version to be used
        # to talk to the LDAP server. OpenLDAP 2 requires
        # Version 3 unless you have 'allow bind_v2' in your
        # slapd.conf. Defaults to version 2
        Version 3

        # SearchFilter specifies how to find the LDAP records that 
contain Client configuration information
        SearchFilter (&(objectclass=oscRadiusClient)(uid=%1))

        # Time in seconds that the clientldap db will be reread
        RefreshPeriod 1800

        # ClientAttrDef parameters allow you to alter the set of LDAP 
attributes that will be fetched
        # Format is 'ClientAttrDef ldapattrname,clientparamname'
        ClientAttrDef oscRadiusClientName,Name
        ClientAttrDef oscRadiusSecret,Secret
        #ClientAttrDef oscRadiusIgnoreAcctSignature,IgnoreAcctSignature
        #ClientAttrDef oscRadiusDupInterval,DupInterval
        ClientAttrDef oscRadiusNasType,NasType
        ClientAttrDef oscRadiusSNMPCommunity,SNMPCommunity
        #ClientAttrDef oscRadiusLivingstonOffs,LivingstonOffs
        #ClientAttrDef oscRadiusLivingstonHole,LivingstonHole
        #ClientAttrDef oscRadiusFramedGroupPortOffset,FramedGroupPortOffset
        #ClientAttrDef oscRadiusRewriteUsername,RewriteUsername
        #ClientAttrDef oscRadiusUseOldAscendPasswords,UseOldAscendPasswords
        #ClientAttrDef oscRadiusPreHandlerHook,PreHandlerHook
        #ClientAttrDef oscRadiusPacketTrace,PacketTrace
        #ClientAttrDef oscRadiusIdenticalClients,IdenticalClients
        #ClientAttrDef oscRadiusNoIgnoreDuplicates,NoIgnoreDuplicates
        #ClientAttrDef oscRadiusDefaultReply,DefaultReply
        #ClientAttrDef oscRadiusFramedGroup,FramedGroup
        #ClientAttrDef oscRadiusStripFromReply,StripFromReply
        #ClientAttrDef oscRadiusAllowInReply,AllowInReply
        #ClientAttrDef oscRadiusAddToReply,AddToReply
        #ClientAttrDef oscRadiusAddToReplyIfNotExist,AddToReplyIfNotExist
        #ClientAttrDef oscRadiusDynamicReply,DynamicReply
        #ClientAttrDef oscRadiusStripfromRequest,StripfromRequest
        #ClientAttrDef oscRadiusAddToRequest,AddToRequest


<AuthBy SQL>
        Identifier      AcctSQL
        DBSource        dbi:mysql:*******
        DBUsername      ******
        DBAuth          ******

        # !!! Table must exist !!!
        AccountingTable ACCOUNTING%Y%m

        AcctColumnDef   USERNAME,User-Name
        AcctColumnDef   TIME_STAMP,Timestamp,integer
        AcctColumnDef   ACCTSTATUSTYPE,Acct-Status-Type
        AcctColumnDef   ACCTDELAYTIME,Acct-Delay-Time,integer
        AcctColumnDef   ACCTINPUTOCTETS,Acct-Input-Octets,integer
        AcctColumnDef   ACCTOUTPUTOCTETS,Acct-Output-Octets,integer
        AcctColumnDef   ACCTSESSIONID,Acct-Session-Id
        AcctColumnDef   ACCTSESSIONTIME,Acct-Session-Time,integer
        AcctColumnDef   ACCTTERMINATECAUSE,Acct-Terminate-Cause
        AcctColumnDef   NASIDENTIFIER,NAS-Identifier
        AcctColumnDef   NASPORT,NAS-Port,integer
        AcctColumnDef   FRAMEDIPADDRESS,Framed-IP-Address

        AcctFailedLogFileName /usr/local/etc/radiator/missedaccounting



<AuthBy LDAP2>
        Identifier CheckLDAP

        # Tell Radiator how to talk to the LDAP server
        Host            localhost

        # LDAP server authentication.
        AuthDN          cn=***, dc=***, dc=***
        AuthPassword    ***

        # This the top of the search tree where users will be found.
        BaseDN          dc=***, dc=***
        #BaseDN         %0=%1,dc=**, dc=**

        # This is the LDAP attribute to match the radius user name
        #UsernameAttr   cn
        UsernameAttr    uid

        PasswordAttr    userPassword

        DefaultSimultaneousUse  1

        # CheckAttr, ReplyAttr and AuthAttrDef
        AuthAttrDef radiusFramedIPAddress,Framed-IP-Address,reply
        AuthAttrDef radiusFramedRoute,Framed-Route,reply
        AuthAttrDef radiusFramedRouting,Framed-Routing,reply
        AuthAttrDef radiusFramedProtocol,Framed-Protocol,reply
        AuthAttrDef Cisco-AVPair,Cisco-AVPair,reply

        #AuthAttrDef nasPortType,NAS-Port-Type,check
        AuthAttrDef radiusLoginLATPort,NAS-Port-Type,check

        # These are the classic things to add to each users
        AddToReply Framed-Protocol = PPP,\
                Framed-IP-Netmask =,\
                #Framed-Routing = None,\
                Framed-MTU = 1500,\
                Framed-Compression = Van-Jacobson-TCP-IP

        # Debugging of the Net::LDAP
        Debug 255

        # With LDAP2, You can enable SSL or TLS with perl-ldap 0.22 and 
        # by setting UseSSL or UseTLS. Not supported on Windows
        # UseTLS
        # If you set UseSSL or UseTLS, also need to set these:
        #SSLCAClientCert certificates/cert-clt.pem
        #SSLCAClientKey whatever
        #  (certificates in PEM format)
        # Also need to set one of:
        #SSLCAFile certificates/demoCA/cacert.pem
        # SSLCAPath /path/to/file/containing/certificate/of/CA
        #  (certificates in PEM format)
        # These set the corresponding parameters in the
        # LDAPS connection (see perl-ldap docs)
        # Requires IO::Socket::SSL, Net::SSLeay and openssl

        # You can control the timout for connection failure
        Timeout 5
        FailureBackoffTime 10

        # You can control the LDAP protocol version to be used
        # to talk to the LDAP server. OpenLDAP 2 requires
        # Version 3 unless you have 'allow bind_v2' in your
        # slapd.conf. Defaults to version 2
        Version 3

<Handler Request-Type=Accounting-Request>
       AuthBy AcctSQL

<Handler Request-Type=Access-Request>
        # Delete @auol.at from the User-Name
        RewriteUsername     s/^([^@]+).*/$1/

        # Give additional message if "Request Denied"i

        AuthBy CheckLDAP

## test handler

### LOGGING ###

# Add SQL Logging to mySQL DB (Table RADLOG%Y%m)
<Log SQL>
        DBSource        dbi:mysql:******
        DBUsername      ***
        DBAuth          ***
        Table           RADLOG%Y%m
        FailureBackoffTime 20
        Trace 3

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