(RADIATOR) does a proxied radius reponse return via the proxy?

Tariq Rashid tariq.rashid at uk.easynet.net
Thu Mar 10 06:03:34 CST 2005

just a quick question about proxying radius.

when a radius proxy forward a request onto the target radius servers, does
the response ncessarily return via the proxy server/device?

i ask this because if i want to post-process replies from a radius server
(the target of the proxying) i need to be sure that the reply packet will in
fact be returning via the proxying server.

the other possibility is that a proxied packet can have it target address
rewritten to the target radius server but the reply is directly to the
radius client (the source address is not rewriiten). this is not entirely
unlikely as radius is not a connection-oritented TCP protocol.

advice / comments welcome.


ps - it is possible to do this post-processing in radiator? this like adding
attributes, sanity checking some attributes?

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