(RADIATOR) Radiator 2.19 and Windows 2003

Hugh Irvine hugh at open.com.au
Thu Mar 3 09:31:20 CST 2005

Hello Andre -

Could you please tell me the name of the registered company that has 
purchased this copy of Radiator?

Please respond to me directly.

Normally you should be able to download the latest version of Radiator 
from the downloads area.

I suggest you download and install the latest Radiator 3.11 (plus all 
patches) and use the new AuthBy LSA clause.



On 3 Mar 2005, at 15:42, Andre Correa wrote:

> Hi list, I'm using Radiator version 2.19 running in Windows 2000 
> server and trying to make it authenticate to a remote Windows 2003 
> server. I set it like this:
> <Realm mrealm>
>         <AuthBy ADSI>
>           BindString 
> LDAP://myADServer/cn=%0,ou=users,dc=mydomain,dc=com,dc=br
>           AuthUser cn=%0,ou=users,dc=mydomain,dc=com,dc=br
>           Identifier ADSI
>           AuthFlags 1
>           DefaultReply Service-Type=Framed-User,Framed-Protocol=PPP
>         </AuthBy>
> </Realm>
> but I'm getting some erros in the log:
> Wed Mar  2 00:14:50 2005: DEBUG: Handling request with Handler
> 'Realm=myrealm'
> Wed Mar  2 00:14:50 2005: DEBUG: Handling with ASDI
> Wed Mar  2 00:14:50 2005: DEBUG: BindString converted to
> LDAP://myADServer/cn=teste@myrealm,ou=users,dc=mydomain,dc=com,dc=br
> Wed Mar  2 00:14:50 2005: DEBUG: AuthUser converted to
> cn=teste at myrealm,ou=users,dc=mydomain,dc=com,dc=br
> Wed Mar  2 00:14:50 2005: DEBUG: Could not get user object:
> Win32::OLE(0.1403) error 0x8007202b: "A referral was returned from the
> server"
>     in METHOD/PROPERTYGET "OpenDSObject"
> Wed Mar  2 00:14:50 2005: INFO: Access rejected for teste at myrealm: 
> Could not find user
> Looking the Windows 2003 event log it seens that the user is being 
> successfully authenticated but its response is not recongnized by 
> Radiator. I upgraded Win32::OLE module to the lastest version with no 
> luck.
> I know I should upgrade to the latest version but it will cost some 
> bucks because there is not a single RADIUS server, so solving the 
> problem with this version of Radiator is my preference now.
> Tks in advance for any information you can send me.
> Cheers
> Andre
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