(RADIATOR) Radiator 3.11 and Novell eDirectory

Hugh Irvine hugh at open.com.au
Tue Mar 1 12:00:58 CST 2005

Hello Jim -

Many thanks.



On 1 Mar 2005, at 16:17, Jim Michael wrote:

> Hi Hugh-
> Radiator: 3.11 with latest patches (latest, as of January, at least), 
> running on Suse Enterprise 8. Hardware is an old Proliant DL360 with 
> 512MB.
> Perl: 5.8.0-58
> Digest: 1.10
> Digest-HMAC-1.01
> Digest-MD5-2.33
> Digest-SHA1-2.10
> Net_SSLeay.pm-1.25
> openSSL-0.9.7e
> perl-ldap-0.3202
> Novell eDirectory: 8.7.something
> Jim
>>>> Hugh Irvine <hugh at open.com.au> 3/1/2005 9:08:01 AM >>>
> Hello Jim -
> Thanks for the information.
> Could you let us know what hardware/software platform you are running
> on, and what versions of Perl, Perl modules, Radiator, etc.?
> regards
> Hugh
> On 1 Mar 2005, at 15:42, Jim Michael wrote:
>> Hi Campbell-
>> Yes, we are successfully using Radiator against Novell eDirectory
>> here. We do not see the issue you describe when authenticaing a "bad"
>> user. Here, Radiator simply rejects the user and waits for another
>> authentication attempt.
>> Jim

NB: I am travelling this week, so there may be delays in our 

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