(RADIATOR) 802.1x ttls can't get NAS-IP-address attribute

Hugh Irvine hugh at open.com.au
Wed Jun 29 15:55:39 CDT 2005

Hello Frank -

This has been discussed on the list previously (see www.open.com.au/ 

You can use a hook to add whatever attributes you need from the outer  
request to the inner request.



On 29 Jun 2005, at 15:39, Frank Zwart wrote:

> I am running a script after a user has authenticated to get the  
> person's VLAN.
> This is a perl script that is executed by the PostSearchHook.
> For this script the NAS-IP-address attribute is needed.
> For the inner authentication we use eap-ttls, the problem is that  
> when the user
> is authenticated correctly the attribute NAS-IP-address isn't  
> available.
> Has anyone experienced this problem, and is there another way to  
> get this ip address
> or is it stored somewhere else?
> Below is what radiator finally shows in debug mode.
> -----------------------------------------------------
> Code:       Access-Request
> Identifier: UNDEF
> Authentic: Attributes:
>       User-Name = test
>       User-Password = "test123"
> -----------------------------------------------------
> These are the only attributes available then..
> --
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