(RADIATOR) authby LSA - active directory groups

DELORT Stephane Stephane.DELORT at murex.com
Mon Jun 20 04:49:05 CDT 2005

Dear list members,

I am currently using radiator with PEAP and MSCHAP-V2, authenticating against AD.
I would like to use the group feature of LSA but I do not know how to make it work.

Following the reference manual, I have in my config file :

<Handler TunneledByPeap=1>
	<AuthBy LSA>
		Domain mydomain.com
		Group wireless
		#also tried "Group Domain wireless"
	</AuthBy LSA>  

In the log file, radiator recorded :
Raduis::AuthLSA REJECT, AuthBy LSA User is not a member of any group

The problem is that my user IS a member of the wireless group !

Did anyone tried this feature ?

Kind regards,


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