(RADIATOR) Problems with Vasco Digipass application names

Bosse Klykken bosse at linpro.no
Tue Jun 14 05:46:18 CDT 2005

I have been evaluating Radiator and RAdmin for a client that wants a
Linux-based AAA solution as a replacement for their existing and EOL Shiva
RADIUS implementation. I have concluded that Radiator meets their demands
almost perfectly, but the most important demand of the client was that the
system should have support for Vasco Digipass. It seemed to be perfect for
this case.

During implementation, I created a MySQL database of the client's digipass
keys by scripting a bulk import using digipass.pl in the Radiator goodies,
and assigning the users to Digipasses by using some shellscript magic on the
exported Shiva data. When I discovered that RAdmin used a different schema, I
exported the data from the "old" radiator database to adapt to this "new"
radmin schema, as the datafields were identical but in another order. So far
so good.

I also tried importing some old Vasco DPX files through RAdmin, and got
trouble with importing it due to the fact that the "application name" form
didn't hold enough characters to contain it. I didn't find this to be a big
issue, as this only applied to older keys (newer keys worked fine, as they
had shorter application names), and I had alread "sneaked in" the old keys.

The problem now is that while I can see all Digipass keys in the "list
digipass tokens" selection in RAdmin, I get an error message when I try to
click on one of the "old" tokens containing the beforementioned longer
application names. Their serial numbers look something like
"0012345678I_APPLI. #01", and the error message I get is:

  A serious error has occurred:
  No Digipass with serial 0012345678I_APPLI. present in the database 

As you can see, the systems seem to cut the last four characters " #01"
from the application name (as in the form during import), causing the
lookup to fail. I suspect this also can apply to RADIUS requests in
Radiator, but as I don't have any such "old" digipass tokens inhouse to
test against Radiator, I can't confirm it. A good percentage of the
client's token calculators have this application name, and as such these
tokens might need to be replaced if this issue isn't solved.

I am uncertain to what component that are having a problem with this issue,
Radiator or RAdmin. As digipass.pl didn't report any problems during the
initial import, I suspect that the problem might be in RAdmin.

I appreciate any suggestions.

Bosse Klykken, operations consultant, Linpro AS - http://www.linpro.no
Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool

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