(RADIATOR) Question about Radiator Support.

Igor Briski igor.briski at iskon.hr
Fri Jun 3 02:04:49 CDT 2005

Hugh Irvine wrote:
> Hello Ricardo -
> What exactly are you wanting to do?
> Radiator will already correctly deal with the authentication and so  on, 
> but you are correct - the sub-attributes are not decoded by default.
> If you want to be able to access the "Digest-Uri", "Digest-Realm",  
> "Digest-Nonce" attributes then you should continue to use a hook.

I wrote a hook for dealing with those Digest attributes, see attachment. 
Comments are welcome.

Tko vrijedi leti, tko leti vrijedi, tko ne leti ne vrijedi.

Igor Briški - igor.briski at iskon.hr
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