(RADIATOR) AuthColumnDef type = request not working
Andrew Fort
afort at choqolat.org
Thu Jul 28 02:40:33 CDT 2005
Hi folks,
I have a problem in that using an AuthBy SQL AuthColumnDef where the
type = 'request' doesn't seem to make the new attribute available to
later parts of the auth process. I'm running Radiator-3.13 without patches.
I have a AuthBy GROUP which auths against LDAP, and then also SQL to get
additional attributes for a user (via the AuthColumnDef 'request' type).
This attribute is the same as the one referred to by the
GroupMemberAttr option in my <ServerTACACSPLUS> stanza.
Looking in Radius/AuthSQL.pm, I can see the attribute being parsed
correctly in `getAuthColumns', and removing the commented out debug
statement " print "trying $colnr, $attrib, $type\n"; " shows the data
I expect to see.
Attached is my configuration and trace 4 log. Note I've snipped the
attribute dump from the LDAP connection, the client list dump (to all
but the one we're interested in) and obsfucated domain names and LDAP
bind details.
Andrew Fort
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