(RADIATOR) GetNovellUP problem

Michal Marciniszyn mmarciniszyn at gity.cz
Thu Jul 14 07:20:39 CDT 2005

Hello Mike,

currently there is installed perl 5.8.6, in 
/usr/lib/perl/site_perl/5.8.6/Net there is LDAP.pm module with version 
0.33... It is from standart SUSE Linux Proffesional 9.3 installation...

Should I upgrade it? Or install different module?

Mike McCauley wrote:

>Hello Michal,
>Looks like there is aproblem with the LDAP extension support in your Net::LDAP 
>module. What verison of  Net::LDAP do you have installed?
>On Thursday 14 July 2005 19:09, Michal Marciniszyn wrote:
>>I have problem with PEAP-MsCHAPv2 authorization against Novell
>>eDirectory LDAP server. Radiator connects to eDirectory with no problem,
>>it gains all parameters from db, but not the Universal Password, thought
>>it is set. After I set up some debugging I came out with following log:
>>Wed Jul 13 13:24:02 2005: ERR: get_edir_password for
>>cn=TSTOIS1,ou=ICT,ou=HSP,o=EDU could not do LDAP extension:
>>Wed Jul 13 13:24:02 2005: DEBUG: Got Novell Universal Password:
>>Wed Jul 13 13:24:02 2005: DEBUG: Radius::AuthLDAP2 looks for match with
>>Wed Jul 13 13:24:02 2005: DEBUG: Radius::AuthLDAP2 REJECT: Bad Encrypted
>>Wed Jul 13 13:24:02 2005: DEBUG: No entries for DEFAULT found in LDAP
>>Wed Jul 13 13:24:02 2005: DEBUG: AuthBy LDAP2 result: REJECT, Bad
>>Encrypted password
>>Wed Jul 13 13:24:02 2005: INFO: Access rejected for tstois1: Bad
>>Encrypted password
>>Wed Jul 13 13:24:02 2005: DEBUG: Packet dump:
>>*** Sending to port 32769 ....
>>Packet length = 36
>>03 e2 00 24 00 e8 8b 24 e5 0e 2d 9c 6a 01 16 ef
>>c9 71 92 af 12 10 52 65 71 75 65 73 74 20 44 65
>>6e 69 65 64
>>Code:       Access-Reject
>>Identifier: 226
>>Authentic:  1234567890123456
>>        Reply-Message = "Request Denied"
>>My LDAP config looks like:
>><AuthBy LDAP2>
>>        Identifier      CheckLDAP
>>        Host  
>>        Port            636
>>        AuthDN          cn=tstois1,ou=ict,ou=hsp,o=edu
>>        AuthPassword    XXXXX
>>        BaseDN          o=edu
>>        UsernameAttr    uid
>>        GetNovellUP
>>        EAPType         PEAP,TTLS,TLS,MSCHAP-V2,MD5,MD5-Challenge,PAP
>>        UseSSL
>>        SSLCAFile               /etc/radiator/edu1.pem
>>        HoldServerConnection
>>        Timeout                 2
>>        FailureBackoffTime      30
>>        Version 3
>>Is the problem Radiator issue, or something is wrongly set in eDirectory
>>and if what?
>>Thanks for help
>>Michal Marciniszyn
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