(RADIATOR) Help with authenticating to LDAP server

Pearson, Mark mark.pearson at ntu.ac.uk
Tue Jan 4 08:58:45 CST 2005

Hope you can shed some light on this. I am new to RADIUS and Radiator. I
am trying to authenticate via an LDAP server. The LDAP service is
Microsoft's AD, I am running Radiator on a win2003 box and my NAS is a
Bluesocket wireless gateway. At this stage I am tryin to keep it simple
and just prove that it authenitctaes to though the ldap server.
According to the logs it appears to contact the ldap server but ends
with : ldap search failed with error LDAP_PARTIAL_RESULTS


Does anyone  know where its falling down ? (I have starred out sensitive



Realm bit of the radius.cfg file:



            <AuthBy LDAP2>


                        AuthPassword               *******



                        PasswordAttr                 userPassword

                        Port                              389

                        UsernameAttr                cn






Log results on the Radiator server:



*** Received from ***.**.***.* port 32807 ....

Code:       Access-Request

Identifier: 72

Authentic:  @<183>v$<197><30><238><170>h<169>:<11><4><172><141>J


            User-Name = "********"

            User-Password =

            NAS-IP-Address = ***.**.***.*

            Service-Type = Login-User

            Framed-IP-Address = ***.**.*.***

            Called-Station-Id = "00:07:E9:39:63:A8"

            Calling-Station-Id = ""

            NAS-Identifier = "Bluesocket"

            Acct-Session-Id = "00:07:E9:39:63:A8:1104848991"

            NAS-Port-Type = Wireless-IEEE-802-11


Tue Jan  4 14:29:58 2005: DEBUG: Handling request with Handler

Tue Jan  4 14:29:58 2005: DEBUG:  Deleting session for *******,

Tue Jan  4 14:29:58 2005: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthLDAP2: 

Tue Jan  4 14:29:58 2005: INFO: Connecting to *******.***.ntu.ac.uk,
port 389

Tue Jan  4 14:29:58 2005: INFO: Attempting to bind to LDAP server

Tue Jan  4 14:30:03 2005: ERR: ldap search failed with error

Tue Jan  4 14:30:03 2005: ERR: Disconnecting from LDAP server (server



Mark Pearson

Information Systems

Nottingham Trent University


Tel: 0115 8484191


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