(RADIATOR) reject then accept

Roy Badami roy.badami at globalgraphics.com
Mon Feb 28 12:31:18 CST 2005

Incidentally, you'll also find that Cisco VPN's (at least on IOS)
don't send a unique NAS-Port in each request, so you'll need to fake
one up if you want the session database to work.

I use the following in the handler that processes my accounting

<Handler Client-Identifier=cisco-ios-vpn, Request-Type=Accounting-Request >
        # Fake up a port from the session ID, since all requests have a port
        # of 0.
        PreProcessingHook sub { my $p=${$_[0]}; $p->changeAttrByNum($Radius::Radius::NAS_PORT,hex($p->getAttrByNum($Radius::Radius::ACCT_SESSION_ID))) }


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